Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ad Shells and Promos

In 2000 and 2001 I freelanced as a Graphic Artist for SFX Entertainment. They hired me during their busy season which was Spring & Summer to promote concerts in different publications. It was a small design dept., and they changed hands when I went back in 2001 to Clear Channel now they are Live Nation as they laid off a number of people and moved majority of the graphics dept to Texas and N.Y. houses most of the business. During that last year I also worked w/ a new employee graphic artist Mike D' Antonio who was in his new band Killswitch Engage. Mike was a cool guy who was a wiz w/ computers. Last assignment I was to fill in for Mike while he started his first Ozzfest Tour. While as a temp they found out I was an Alice Cooper fan so before I left they went back into the files and gave me a few old Ad Shells one from Raise Your Fist & Yell the rest from Trash which you can fill in the date and place. Also a promo pic and a small advertisement. I also created a flyer that I will post later on.

1987, Ad Shell 6.75x9.75 for Raise Your Fist & Yell.
This Ad Shell you can place in the copy.

1989, Ad Shell 11x13 for Trash. Both shells are stats paper.

1989, small Trash stat ad for Boston show at The Orpheum Theatre.

1989, 3.5x3 Trash Ad.

1989, Trash promo pic.