Thursday, April 30, 2020

Brand New Alice Cooper song "Don't Give Up" May 15th

Legendary rocker Alice Cooper will launch a new song called "Don't Give Up" on May 15 and he's calling on fans to be a part of this special track.
Share a photo or video of you holding a sign featuring a word from the song's lyrics and you could be in the final video.
Said Alice: " I know these times are hard, but there is hope. I wrote a new song, 'Don't Give Up', I want my minions to be a part of this special song."
How and what to submit: Select one word from the lyrics and take a photo or video of yourself holding a sign with that word in big, bold letters. Alice will pick the best ones to feature in the video. The bigger the sign, the better. Photos/videos with good lighting and without props work best. Entries must be submitted by Monday, May 4 to be considered.

More info at