Recently Paul Stanley of KISS mentioned he doesn’t see making a new album although Gene Simmons commented a few days later that they are working on one. But what Paul states is that they have plenty of popular songs from their past they can rotate. I have been thinking that’s what Alice has been doing for sometime. He puts out albums for his fans but tours as a “Best of” band. True he pulls out some rare numbers here & there. Of course not that rare “Halo of Flies” was good to see performed but that also was a good number to showcase the band’s solo performances while Alice changes costumes. I would enjoy Alice performing songs like “Formerly Warmer”, “Levity Ball” or “Return of The Spiders” but just me and maybe a handful of people would show our enthusiasm while others scratch their heads and go to the bathroom.

In 2000 when I seen Neil Young perform his whole new album “Silver & Gold” that same year I also seen Lou Reed perform his new release “Ecstasy” in it’s entirety. Both albums I didn’t enjoy and was bored during the concert cause it was songs I didn’t care for or even liked. Matter of fact I had traded in Lou’s “Ecstasy” for cash.
In 1986 Lou Reed did his “Mistrial” release which I still have in my collection and in 1989 “New York” release which is an excellent album I recommend. The late Lou Reed and Neil Young are one of the few musicians who plays their new releases. Bob Dylan is also another one as well.
Now I have mentioned this before and I’ll say it again. Alice hasn’t done an album tour since “Welcome To My Nightmare” in 1975 that was 40 years ago. “Brutal Planet Tour 2001” was close including a stage theme from the album that was 14 years ago. At least Alice covered seven songs from “Brutal Planet” album which is more than any he’s done since. Every CD he put out after that was slimmer in concert. He may switch the song from that album but it’s usually only one song and the rest are songs from the past.
- Setlist: Nov. 11, 2010
The last time I seen Alice was “Bare Bones Tour” in 2003 which was as I expected a best of show. From then on I’ve follow the setlist but haven’t seen any worth attending since 2003. I get bored easy w/ the same set list after a while it’s like come on give me something to spend money on. Alice may change the stage show theatrics and musicians but the songs are the same only changing a few here and there. I know a lot people go just for the gathering like a ritual every year they dress up like it’s Halloween & have a ball. I think this is what the tour has become just come to town and play the hits.
- Setlist: Dec. 2011
“DragonTown Tour 2001-02” Alice did 5 songs from that album then setlist started to dwindle to best of tours.
“Bare Bones Tour 2003” was a best of.
“Eyes of Alice Cooper Tour 2003-04 “ Alice did 5 tracks from that album.
“Dirty Diamonds Tour 2005-06” only 2 tracks “Dirty Diamonds” and “Woman of Mass Distraction.”
“Psycho-Drama Tour 2007” another best of.
“Along Came A Spider Tour 2008” I thought for sure this will be a full blown tour. The songs themselves I just pictured these theatrics Alice performing on stage while singing these numbers. Unfortunately the only song Alice sang was “Vengeance Is Mine” and “(In Touch with Your) Feminine Side.” The rest are 12 songs from original Alice Cooper Group and 12 from his solo career.
“Theatre of Death Tour 2009 - 2010” best of.
“No More Mr Nice Guy Tour 2011” started in May 2011 best of.
Sept., 2011 “Welcome 2 My Nightmare” album was released. During that month “I’ll Bite Your Face Off” is the only song performed live. I think that would of been a great combo show of “Welcome To My Nightmare” and “Welcome 2 My Nightmare” that would of been one helluva a concert.
2012 at Bonnaroo which is always a best of w/ bands as Alice added “Caffeine.”
“Raise The Dead Tour 2012” best of and covers tunes.
- Setlist: July 7, 2012
I would of like to see at least 4 full blown album tours “The Last Temptation”, “Brutal Planet”, “Along Came A Spider” and “Welcome 2 My Nightmare.” All great concepts that would of filled the stage w/ great theatrics. This could of broken up the best of tours.
Coming up in the Fall of 2015 will be “All My Dead Drunk Friends” release. Pretty sure this tour will be like the “Raise The Dead Tour” w/ classic hits and cover songs.
So this is the norm for Alice as he will release new albums for fans which I appreciate & will still buy while doing best of tours. I don’t see Alice doing an album tour unless by some miracle the album becomes popular like “Billion Dollar Babies” or “Welcome To My Nightmare”.
- Setlist: Nov. 2013